You have dreams.
You have desires.
You want to feel fulfilled beyond the basics.
You have tried so hard to feel better, but have run out of resources.
I know exactly how to help.
This is where we start.
Wholeness medicine is a whole person, mind-body-spirit approach to creating vibrancy and aliveness in all parts of your life. Perfection not required (or desired).
You've never been basic and your wellness shouldn't be either.
You have scrolled endless social media posts about your symptoms and are at your wit's end because of all of the conflicting advice.
You don't trust your mainstream provider anymore. They don't seem to have time to discuss what's going on with you, but even more so troubling, is that they don't seem to have any solutions other than matching pills to ills.
You suspect that something is going on even though your "labs are fine."
You suspect that even the functional medicine or holistic practitioners are missing something ... or maybe you have considered diving into this arena, but you don't know who to turn to.
You know something is "off" with your health but haven't been able to figure it out and you're starting to suspect you need someone to help you connect the dots.
You want to dive deep into appropriate testing with the right person, to truly understand everything that's happening in your body, and also want to look at how all the areas of your life are impacting your health.
You want to feel understood and seen - finally - maybe for the first time ever in your health journey.
And you don't want another diet that leaves you exhausted or hungry or overwhelmed again!
You are so ready to feel better ... but you're not quite ready to go all-in on a long-term program because you've already tried so much. So you want to start smaller.
Welcome to your Energy Blueprint.
You've run out of energy chasing your tail with these health issues. It's time for something different.
Listen. I get it. Honestly.
I was a very sickly child with recurrent ear infections, 3 sets of tubes, eczema, mono, and strep.
Since my teens, I have been dealing with autoimmune disease, which progressively worsened until I was in my 30s. At the height of illness, I was nearly 400 pounds, on 9 pharmaceutical drugs, and had Lupus along with other autoimmune disease, stage 3 kidney disease, fibromyalgia, severe anxiety & depression, bleeding ulcers, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, histamine intolerance, IBS, migraines, and hundreds of food sensitivities.
I am also a survivor of significant psychological, emotional, religious, and sexual trauma, which impacted my health in a multitude of ways. Over the last 20 years, I have clawed my way back to vitality and have fully reversed most of the health issues that plagued me, along with sustaining a 100+ pound weight loss. I continue on my own journey and for the past 3 years, I walk with others doing the same.
What's been missing for most of the tired, driven, ambitious, smart women I see ...
You're smart. You're used to having the answers before others do. In fact, you are growing impatient because these health issues are compounding and you're not sure what to do. So this whole health thing is perplexing to put it mildly.
You've consulted Dr. Google, your primary care physician, your best friend, your mom, and perhaps the healer in the crystal shop.
But something is missing ...
What's missing is the WHOLE PICTURE, the connection between all the symptoms. You suspect that they can't all be separate issues - and you're totally right. At the end of the day, it's cell stress.
Blood work is important, but we have to remember what it is and what it isn't. It's a snapshot in time that measures significant disease. It's really important for the body to maintain homeostasis as much as possible, so by the time to see abnormalities in the blood, it's often been there for years or decades.
In order to look deeper, we need to look at you as a whole person and also at how your cells are functioning. This allows us to see:
your vitality - when someone is struggling with digestive issues, low energy, blood sugar imbalances, dizziness, frequent illness, exhaustion, mold issues, chasing these issues with expensive functional medicine tests isn't helpful because they never address the cellular vitality required to sustain health. It's like playing "whack-a-mole" with symptoms instead of getting to the deepest causes.
​your metabolic rate - how quickly or slowly your body burns energy and what support you need to come back into balance. An imbalanced metabolic rate can lead to energy struggles, anxiety, depression, weight gain, detoxification issues, hormonal issues, and mineral imbalances.
your stress and trauma patterns - this is how your body handles stress and the residue that trauma leaves in your body. Each person has a unique imprint, but over time, patterns have developed and treatment that adjusts for this is key to get lasting results.
the state of your nervous system, including your adrenal/stress response. So many of the women I see have a very low adrenal response. In your day-to-day, this looks like not having the stamina to exercise, feeling perpetually overwhelmed, low motivation, pain in you body, and more.
how your cells are using thyroid hormone - this is often a hidden cause of WHY you have all the thyroid symptoms without abnormal labs. When your cells can't properly use thyroid hormone, you end up with the fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, puffiness, weight gain, heat/cold intolerance, cold hands and feet, and so on.
the toxicity of heavy metals. As these metals build up, they create a massive stress response in your body; the worst part is that if you have a slow metabolic rate (and 80% of the women I see do), you cannot suddenly detoxify these metals without improving your vitality and metabolic rate. A tired, worn out body cannot safely detoxify without support.
even spiritual patterns from an intuitive lens. I see the stories and patterns underneath just the physical symptoms. For many, this is a missing link.
What you can expect with your Energy Blueprint:
We will move beyond blood work and understand how your cell health is impacting your symptoms and how to support YOUR body.
You will understand the diet, exercise, supplementation, testing, and so on that will best support your body.
You get to spend time with an expert holistic medicine guide who truly HEARS you and your concerns. No more having to prove yourself and your symptoms. ​
You can get started without a long-term commitment. It's okay to question whether we're a good fit. This is the perfect opportunity to check this out to see if it's for you.
The truth is ...
You're so ready to feel better. It's been a long time since you've felt like you were fully resourced. Maybe it's years or decades. Maybe you don't even remember every feeling vibrant and alive. What if we could shift all of this, my friend?
Client Love
Allie says ...
I have two autoimmune diseases so I’ve been to MANY doctors and none of them come close to the care I’ve received with Shannon. I came to her in March with terrible pain, GI issues, and fatigue. Fast forward to now, my pain is managed, I no longer have GI issues, and my fatigue is much better.
One of the things I love about working with Shannon is that she’s always thinking outside of the box. I’ve always had symptoms of hypothyroidism without low thyroid hormone, so Shannon tested my thyroid peroxidase antibodies and bingo! I have Hashimoto’s disease. Her helping me figure that out helped my family members also get their diagnosis. I still have a long way to go of course, but I have hope now. It’s hard to feel optimistic with chronic illness. Especially as a woman, very often our symptoms are viewed as “over exaggerated.” Shannon has helped me get back on my feet and to a better place, physically and mentally. A truly life-changing experience working with Shannon.
Theresa says ...
I went to see Shannon at the request of my physical therapist. I was not sure what to expect but the experience has been very eye opening. I have been in a state of high anxiety in what feels like forever. I knew I had issues with my health, my body was just not functioning properly. Many doctors in the past wrote my problems off as "old age" saying to me it just happens when you get older. I knew deep down something was wrong it made no sense to me what was happening.
Since I have begun my journey with Shannon I feel lighter mentally and I feel as if I am really living my life with joy and awareness. Her knowledge and intuition about what your body needs, as far as supplements and support are concerned, is truly amazing.
Cindi says ...
Wow- how do I describe in words an experience that has been profoundly life changing? I had been searching for someone to help me safely reduce meds and feel better. Shannon is a modern medicine woman, with the heart of an angel and the soul of a wise healer. Her intuitive gifts coupled with her skill in scientific medicine are unrivaled in the medical community. And I have spent enough time and money with plenty of them.
Ashley says ...
When I came to Shannon, I felt off and couldn't figure out why. I had been following her on social media for quite some time, so I decided to reach out. I hadn't really worked with a holistic practitioner before, but I had heard great things.
From my first conversation with Shannon, I felt so well taken care of! She listened – actually listened – and paid attention to the whole picture of what was going on with me. She didn't push pills at me or run basic panels. She ran a handful of thorough tests to get visibility into what was really going on with me. She explained it all to me, and then she created a customized protocol with check-ins.
I would hands-down recommend working with Shannon. She's wicked smart, grounded in science, deeply intuitive, and is genuinely committed to your healing.
Julie says ...
I'm beyond grateful that I found Shannon and started working with her. For DECADES I've experienced symptoms that no one could explain, and while doctors shrugged and scratched their heads, we treated symptoms as best we could because there wasn't anything else we knew how to do.
As I got older and my symptoms progressed, and I looked at the lives of my parents and decided that I wanted to age in a much better way than they did, I realized that I really wanted to dig in and find root causes for what I was experiencing...and then Shannon appeared.
Shannon is super compassionate, non-judgmental, and a wealth of knowledge, and she looks at patients as whole humans. She encourages us to go slowly and gently as we learn more about our bodies and what it needs to feel healthy, which provides time and space to make the adjustments we need to in a sustainable way.
I still have a ways to go, yet in two short months I'm feeling HUGE progress. Jaw clenching that's plagued me consistently for 25 yrs is hardly noticeable right now. Other muscle tension I've suffered with is markedly reduced. Serious fatigue, general apathy, and generalized anxiety are resolving.
I firmly believe that aging well is not an accident, but that it's very intentional. I intend to age well, and I'm confident that I will with Shannon by my side.
Maybe you've tried programs before that worked for awhile but then your symptoms came back. Or maybe they didn't consider all parts of you, your desires, and your preferences and you felt forced or rushed. Maybe your nervous system wasn't ready for the intense regimens and protocols. Or maybe you're new to the holistic world.
Whatever your experience, you are welcome here. You see, we will do holistic medicine differently - fully honoring YOU, all parts of your body, mind, heart, and soul.
You get:​
Comprehensive holistic intake questionnaire to allow me to start putting together the puzzle pieces of your concerns. We will assess your health history, stress patterns, trauma patterns, family history, diet, movement, sleep, and so much more.
A hair mineral analysis (HTMA) to look at your cellular health. We can go deeper and see the patterns that have been keeping you stuck for years or decades.
A 60-minute recorded results session with intuitive modern medicine woman, Shannon Stockwell, MS, PA-C. The puzzle pieces will start becoming clear as I explain your cells, your patterns, and how all the symptoms you've been struggling with all fit together. You will feel so seen and heard - FINALLY! Not only that, but together, you will come up with a strategy to support YOUR body. Diet, movement, nervous system, supplementation, and potential further testing will be discussed. But don't worry - there are no harsh absolutes! I am your expert guide, but not a dictator. ;)
I'm so ready to understand my Energy Blueprint and finallllly feel better in my body!
Investment: $777. You can choose to pay in 1 or 2 payments.
Why I am so passionate about this work
From super sick and exhausted most of my life to full of energy, maintaining 100+ pound weight loss, and reversing autoimmune disease - more energy in my 40s than my 20s!
As I mentioned above, I was diagnosed with multiple health conditions as a child, teenager, and adulthood, progressively getting sicker and sicker. It went from ear infections and eczema to anxiety and gut issues to hypothyroidism in my teens. Through the years, I got sicker and sicker, told repeatedly to lose weight. I was over 200 pounds in middle school, 280 pounds in high school, and up to nearly 400 pounds in my twenties. It was as if the medical system didn't have an answer for me, though. I felt incredibly frustrated by the (lack of) care I was receiving. I knew they wanted to help me, but they didn't have the actual resources to help me. Pills after pills. Side effects after side effects. No one could help me get to the root cause. At one point in time, I was on 9 or 10 pharmaceutical pills for fibromyalgia pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and thyroid. I went to doctor after doctor, psychiatrist after psychiatrist. Not a single one could put my symptoms together. And, looking back, I think this was a big key, and one that is still missed with holistic medicine practitioners. It's this ability to put it all together, to see the whole person in front of me, along with using my clinical and intuitive knowledge, that actually helps people truly heal. I trained in conventional medicine as a PA, graduating in 2012, and working in conventional medicine nearly a decade. I voraciously read journals and texts and case studies. I sought information wherever I could. And then ... My neurodivergent brain began to piece all the things together: conventional medicine, functional medicine, mind-body medicine, trauma, stress, genetics, environment, toxicity. My claim to fame is that I healed my daughter of chronic diarrhea when she was was a toddler, using nutrition and gentle supplementation. I'll never forget the day that her daycare provider called and excitedly exclaimed, "Omg, Shannon! You won't believe this! She had a normal BM!" I was so excited, but I wasn't surprised. I knew that she would heal, and from that day on, no more gut issues. I also helped my son tremendously with anger and rigidity. He struggled intensely with emotional regulation. Proper testing revealed hypothyroidism and copper toxicity. Using mineral balancing, we reversed both and he no longer needs thyroid supplementation and he no longer struggled with the same rigidity and anger. His healing, like my daughter's, is truly remarkable. Personally, I have reversed multiple autoimmune diseases, stage 3 kidney disease, IBS, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue. I have nearly put my formerly out-of-control Hashimoto's thyroid disease into full remission. I feel better now, in my perimenopausal mid-40s, than I did in my 20s! Now, for the women out there who are in perimenopause or menopause, you know this is huge! Here's the low down: in 2021, I opened my practice using an intrinsic coaching model + holistic medicine. I've had the honor and privilege of seeing hundreds of folks actually get better! Just like me, they've put seemingly lifelong diseases into remission. I've seen women reverse autoimmune disease, nutrient deficiencies, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, deeply embedded gut issues, migraines, high cholesterol, brain fog ... seriously, I could go on and on and on. In conventional medicine, we put bandaids on symptoms. In whole-person medicine, we treat the whole person through a TRULY holistic lens - physical, mental, emotional, physical. This is what it takes to truly heal and create sustainable miracles. Whole person medicine works if you go all-in. You can create sustainable miracles in your life and health if you truly take the time to honor and nourish yourself and receive the right support. Seeing women out living their best lives continues to drive me to bring this medicine to the world! After doing this for 3 years now, I have learned what works and what doesn't. I have discovered, for sustainable healing, we need: a personalized, truly whole-person appraoch + community support to know we are not alone + a length of time to solidify new ways of being. This is what creates sustainable miracles. This is the magic missing in medicine and healing (even holistic and functional medicine practices). I know that a year from now, you could be having a totally different life experience than you are now. I hope you'll join us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly does the Energy Blueprint include?
It includes a hair mineral test, comprehensive holistic intake paperwork and any existing labs/tests from the last 18 months to be reviewed prior to your visit. After your hair mineral test is back, you will have a 60-minute recorded session with me. You will receive an email after the session with the recommendations discussed (diet, movement, nervous system, supplementation, further testing etc). In other words, you will learn more about your cells and health in this package than you may have never learned. It's 100% customized and personalized!
What is not included in the Energy Blueprint?
Though I am happy to review existing labs for you, new labs will not be ordered as part of this package. If you decide to continue working together, I will cover these options with you.
I can get a hair mineral test from another practitioner for $250-300 online. What's the difference between doing that and The Energy Blueprint with Shannon?
My approach to wholeness medicine and training are the difference. I don't just see values on a hair mineral graph. I see a whole person, their patterns, their desires, and their current resources. I am able to put things in a way that no one else can. Between clinical medical training as a PA, advanced training in mindbody/holistic/functional medicine, and innate intuition (as well as medical intuitive training), I am able to truly see each client fully. As someone who suffered with chronic illness myself, I understand how important the client-practitioner relationship is. To that end, she sees no more than 2-3 clients per day because of the depth of work that I do.
How do I prepare for my hair mineral test (HTMA)?
It's a pretty easy test! :)
What kind of written results can I expect to receive after my session?
Full written explanation of your results as well as recommendations (as discussed with you) for diet, lifestyle, movement, nervous system, food as medicine, and supplementation support. I will also make recommendations for further support if it's necessary.
What are the options to continue working with you?
Depending on your needs and desires, you may schedule one-off sessions for as little as $333 to follow-up and review subsequent testing. If you struggle with chronic health issues, you may be a good fit for Sustainable Miracles, my year-long holistic health mentoryship. It combines 1:1 personalized support + community + accountability for a WHOLE year. It's truly a transformative approach. Learn more here: There are limited 1:1 deep mentorship spots with me available on occasion.
What do typical recommendations look like?
This all depends on several things including: 1. your capacity 2. your HTMA results 3. your desires I absolutely believe in meeting you where you are. Sometimes, I will recommend mineral balancing with certain supplements. Sometimes, I will recommend spagyric remedies (little "potions" of homeopathic + herbal medicines). Sometimes both. Sometimes nervous system practices. Sometimes food as medicine. Sometimes additive approaches like adding protein, fiber, carrot salad, bone broth, etc instead of big, sweeping changes. We will go at your pace, which is why we talk about what will work for you on your session. :)
Do you offer refunds?
No, I do not offer refunds due to the nature of the program. Additionally, all payments on payment plan is expected to be paid.
Why won't you order labs prior to this session?
The honest answer is: I used to and in some cases, I still do. In the beginning of my practice years ago, I used to do a whole intake session. Out of necessity due to booking out, I started getting the hair mineral tests back before the first session and realized it was SO MUCH BETTER for my clients to get the hair mineral test back before deciding on other testing. The HTMA results also guide the decision making on further labs and testing. Moreover, there's far less overwhelm when reviewing one test at a time.
How is one session going to help?
It will give you so much clarity and understanding of what's happening and you will be seen and heard at such a deep level. I hope this is just the beginning of your relationship together. Your health didn't get this bad overnight and it's not going to be "fixed" in one session. You will get so much out of it and we need to be realistic that it's going to take time. If you feel that you would be best served starting in a way other than the Energy Blueprint, please schedule a call with me so we can discuss a personalized approach to your care.
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No spam! I will not sell your information. You will receive soul nourishing emails 4-8 times per month, along with special offers. :)